Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Walking Dead: The Governor Comes Along (WIP)

Well, even with only one of my painting lamps, the light is too hard to get a proper photo - but here is how far I have gotten painting Brian Blake.

I need to work on the face, hair, weapons, and belt, and I have left out the final highlights on the sweater until last, and as I probably shall not have much painting time the rest of the week, I am hardly going to finish him before Monday or Tuesday, although I shall strive to get half an hour of hobby time squeezed in there and there.


  1. Although I'm not familiar with the comics, I think you did a great job on him. He looks as mean as he should.

    1. The head is mostly WIP, and the light in that photo is ghastly, but thanks, I think I see what you mean. I may have to stay up for an hour or two after returning home from this night watch to wait for my 3D-printer to finish a 24 hs job, so that I can start the next one, and if so, I will work on his drooping 'stache.
