Thursday, 5 April 2018

Vacation 2016 - Day 7, Part 14: The Road to Cap de Creus, Part D

Another batch of photos from Cap de Creus.

It was completely impossible to park near the restaurant at the top of the rock, so we drove back to Es Camel,, parked there, and got out to monitor the area and take some pictures.

Anna and Lea lead the way

Here you can see, why the formation is called 'The Camel'

Very interesting rock formations.
Salvador Dalí has written about the area, which was one of his greatest sources of inspiration:
This stretch between the Camel and the Eagle, which you know and love just as much as I do, is and must be kept as pure geology, free of anything that could falsify it; for me it is a matter of principles. It is a mythological place made for gods rather than for humans and it must be kept as it is now”.

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