We took the coast train from Malgrat de Mar to Barcelona in the morning, to avoid traffic and parking issues, but I really cannot recommend it - it is a trip of about 50 km., and it takes about three times as long as travelling by train from Svendborg to Odense, in a stuffed train with no air-conditioning.
We were pretty boiled, when we arrived in Barcelona, and had to stay a bit in the relative coolness of the station, re-hydrate, and orientate us regarding getting to our planned destinations.
After a while, we startted walking through the city, staying in the shadows as much as possible, taking small breaks to eat and drink when getting the opportunity.
Some pines and palm trees - and a good impression of the hotness.
Our first destination can be spotted in this photo.
Here we are a bit closer.
I think you may have guessed by now...
I could not visit Barcelona without without also seeing the home of one of the really great European football clubs.
I forgot to turn on the flash - but this is my family in Camp Nou.
Now follows a series of photos from the trophy exhibition.
The stairs down to the collectibles/memorabilia store. Their prices are too steep for my wallet...
Couple of last views when leaving Camp Nou.