After the narrow defeat in the Battle of Desolation Pass where the cream of the Elven society in the Northern Province was all but annihilated, the young heir to the fiefdom rallied whatever troops were available, including the Rangers guarding the ruins of the ancient Watch Tower beneath Desolation Pass.
He also sent envoys to the Royal Court, the Jarls of the human settlements on the Western Coast, and to the Dwarven Kingdom of Karakhând in the mountains some leagues east of the Desolation Pass, bringing gifts and pleas for assistance.
The Elven force advanced on the double to meet the shambling hordes under control of one of the Necromancer's vile Captains, the Wraith known to the living only as The Defiler, at the now abandoned Ranger camp close to the old Watch Tower.
Here you can see the two warbands deployed:
Emil took on the role as the young and fairly inexperienced Lord, which was only fitting, as he had not played WoE ever before.
Of course, his inexperience also made him not be fully aware of the importance of using the terrain to cover his units from the Undead Stone thrower ... 😟
Turn 1 was more or less a general advance by the Undead Horde, some Zombies soaking up a hail of arrows, and the stone thrower landing a hit on the Elven Guard.
The Defiler raised the skeletons of five lomg forgotten warriors to bolster a five-skeleton Warrior unit.
Turn 2 saw another direct hit on the Elven Guard, and the Elves kept pouring arrows into the ranks of the Dead.
The Elves manuevered a lot, but still managed to get a lot of bows to bear.
The Stone Thrower Template was just forgotten om the table.
On Turn 3, the Skeleton Riders charged the Elven Rangers - and were beaten back!
The Zombie mob in the center finally fell apart under the constant hail of arrows.
On the Elves far right, the Elven Warriors clashed, first with a mob of Zombies (whom they destroyed), then with a unit of Skeleton Warriors (and were annihilated themselves).
The Skeleton Warriors closest to the camera failed to respond to an order to charge the Rangers, and went Down. They never recovered from this for the rest of the battle.
The Stone Thrower missed its target this time, but The Defiler killed some Elves with Chill Wind.
On Turn 4, once more, the Stone Thrower missed the Elven Archers.
The Skeleton Riders charged the Lord's Retinue - and were beaten back again!
The Elves were obviously giving up their right flank and trying to consolidate on their left.
As far as I remember, The Defiler killed another Elven Guard with Chill Wind.
Turn 5 saw some heroic antics by the young and unexperience Lord, but he ended up skewered on the spears of the Dead.
At the end of Turn 5, the Undead Host had three Down units, but the Elven Warband was Broken, and the die decided that the game was over.
The Sun was really challenging my trusted Canon at this point. |
Another Victory for the vanguard of the Necromancer. Will the Free Peoples of the north respond to the call to arms by the now fallen Lord, or will the Royal Court send reinforcements in time?
Stay tuned for the next chapter of this ever-growing saga!
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