As a consequence, not much time has been allocated to the hobby, as both the kids and my wife need comforting and togetherness instead of me disappearing into the study.
I received my Foundry Paints order from Miniaturicum, though, and thought I would show the contents of the box here.
Lots of browns, as I want to experiment a bit on dark indigenous African skin for my Zulus and other 'black' Africans.
I also got the 'Flesh' triad, as I would like to be able to vary Caucasian skin a bit more, and the 'Drab' triad for painting some khaki (I guess it is meant for that purpose),
My wife and the girls went to Odense just after lunch (we stacked firewood this morning) to shop for some autumn clothing and footwear (we let the girls stay home from school today, to be able to address any signs of grief), and that let me paint a little bit during the afternoon (I worked a bit on a Zulu, and started painting another mini for the LAF Back of Beyond Painting Club).
Well, that is all for today. Tomorrow we are visiting a horticultural nursery to get some plants for the newly cleared beds in the front yard, and a Spartan apple tree which I have been wanting to get ever since we got our own garden.
Sunday I have half a gaming appointment . I do not know, yet, what/which game(s) will be played, but we shall figure it out tomorrow, I guess.
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