I dug out some old models, and sat down to create a couple of gangs, and then I just had to find some modern stuff to populate the table for when Ulolkish came around to play a game.
As we played the 'Street Rumble' (not really that many scenarios to choose from in my old free version of the game), objectives were simple: Exterminate the opposistion.
As it turned out, the rules somewhat favour setting your minis up in firing cover, as the two-actions-per-activation then mean you get to fire twice at visible targets, whereas moving minis will have only one shot (or none, if they use both actions for moving), and that - in cooperation with some insane rolls on Ulolkish' behalf - was instrumental in the complete annihilation of the Van Saars.
I might have fared better, had I from that point concentrated on bringing as many guns as possible to bear on one target ar a time, but after my two wins in the intro scenario I was a bit over-confident and just kept to my initial plan of circling the opposition.
For future games, though, I shall propose some house rules regarding shooting and movement:
It should be possible to combine a move action with shooting; with a -1 modifier if moving/shooting without having moved first, -2 if moving/shooting after already having moved this activation.
2: Moving Target
This should reward cinematic play style, and make it just a tiny bit more likely that some models end up in close quarter fighting.
Next time we play, it will be in Argonor's Attic, and I hope to pursuade Ulolkish to try out my suggestions.
Below, you can almost track the development of the game, and I shall not use many more words to describe gthe fight, as it turned into a very one-sided affair.
When rolling for injuries, though, all my gang members came out without a scratch, so apart from not earning a whole lot of Credits from this game, the gand is as good as new, and I can spend the earnings on some needed changes in equipment!
My leader just could not get behind those girlies, |
No matter where he ran, guns were pointing his way. |
Fnal showdown of my leader. |
Last Man Standing, the sole surviving Juve heroically tries to gun down Trixie, but fails, and bites the dust (or concrete) |
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