Friday, 3 March 2017

Dark Ages: Armoured Warriors WIP

Although most of my time the last couple of days has been spent cuddling with the kids, I did manage to get the armoured warriors primed, sand glued to bases, and get them glued to cork handles. They are now fully ready for a lick of paint (or two), so I can start the last stage of this, my first fully painted (almost in one go) historical 'army', namely the Hearthguard for my SAGA Vikings.

As it stands, the army is all plastic, but I am contemplating adding some metal Berserkers at a later point, so I can make use of the SAGA Viking special rules.

When I finish up the army for this time around, I have several options to tend to, and I am not sure if I shall construct a Rohan army for SAGA, continue work on my proxy Dol Amroth pikemen, go back to my IHMN Zulus, or paint some pop culture minis for my Christmas Wars project. Whatever I decide, I shall have plenty to do for a while without the need for further purchases.


  1. These look great already! I am looking forward to updates on these Chaps. Also I understand how difficult it can be to paint when family commitments kick in. Good luck.

    1. Thanks! I went back to painting today, after a weekend where I didn't feel all that well (I suspect the kids' cold/flu may have had something to do with that), and I am going to post a finished Hearthguard warrior later this evening.

  2. There's always more to do, isn't there :-) ? And that's a good thing...

    1. Yes, I found myself reading the Crescent & Cross rulebook on the couch yesterday, and then digging out my box of Gripping Beast plastic Arabs to figure out what to do with them... Well, I restrained myself, and instead I went back to the Vikings today. I need to use up those LBMS shield transfers, before they go bad.
