This time though, I got a mini in as #64 in The Pikes, Muskets, and Flouncy Shirts Painting Club
My entry is this Artizan Designs buccaneer miniature, which, in this incarnation, I have named Benn Etton.
I started painting Tuesday, and only finished him this morning - he actually has a lot of details that need attention.
I am OK pleased with the outcome, and thrilled to be getting back into the habit of painting.
I shall be spending some hobby-time on dressing some of the Uruk-Hai and Rohan/Saxon bases, but in between I shall start painting the next Viking for my 'purist' Blood Eagle warband.
Primer: Black
- I think it is C Graveyard Earth mixed with successively more C Bleached Bone, but the pots are from before I started logging my own mixes.
Hat Band, Coat Lining and Facings. Garters:
- V Black Red + Black
- C Khorne Red + V Black Red
- C Mephiston Red
Neck Cloth:
- Light grey
- Very light grey
- White
- The darker end of my usual recipe, starting with a mix of C Dwarf Flesh and C Bestial Brown
- C Graveyard Earth +++Black
- C Graveyard Earth ++Black
- C Graveyard Earth +Black
- C Orkhide Shade + Black
- C Orkhide Shade
- C Orkhide Shade + C Knarloc Green
- C Knarloc Green
Flouncy Shirt:
- V Khaki Brown
- C Ushabti Bone
- C Ushabti Bone + White
- C Ushabti Bone ++ White
- C Scorched Brown
- C Scorched Brown + V Beasty Brown
- V Beasty Brown
White Metal:
- C Boltgun Metal
- C Chainmail
- C Mithril Silver
Yellow Metal:
- V Polished Gold+ Black
- V Polished Gold
- V Polished Gold + C Mithril Silver
- C Scorched Brown
- C Scorched Brown + C Codex Grey
- C Scorched Brown ++ C Codex Grey
Boots and Pistol Handle:
- F Musket Stock Brown Triad (actually Quartet, as I have mixed a pot of some medium and light tone)
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