Saturday, 22 March 2025

Working Through a Bottleneck

Over a couple of years, a lot of minis in need of various repairs (mostly rebasing, but also broken weapons and such) got stranded on my prepping station.

The many second-hand purchases I've made lately had me wondering how on Earth I should find the necessary space to handle he not-table-ready minis in order to get them ready for my Warlords of the 41st Millennium project.

Solution: Instead of pushing an ever-growing hill of unfinished busines in front of me, dig in, and get the work done!

The picture below is may pain(t) station - all the minis with white bases came directly from the prepping station, and a couple others had minor repairs done.

Imagine the clutter on the prepping station (below), when all those minis were there, too.

I expect to have the workspace (the green cutting mat) cleared over the next week or two - depending on, how often the weather permits working in the garden - I still have trees to cut up, and branches to cut down, before we can get full sun in the veggie garden.

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