Saturday, 15 November 2014

Renedra American Church, Part 2.

All but done assembling the little bugger.

Assembling the bell tower, I realized that it might have been better to NOT remove the tabs lifting the roof a tiny bit higher, as it got a bit difficult to fit the base of the tower on the roof.

Well, lesson learned.

I haven't glued the spire in place, yet, as I'm going to give the bell a rub-over with my brass brush before fixing it inside the tower.

Below is a picture with the spire in place, and I think that the finished result will be VERY good.

I may have made a few mistakes along the way - and I still wouldn't recommend the kit for unexperienced modelers, but I am pleased withthe way the model seems to turn out.

I'm looking forward to slabbing some paint on the church after Horisont, as I won't have time for it until then.

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