Monday, 3 November 2014

Final Unit Assembled!!

The last Fiefdom Warrior unit is up to strength:

If I have time left before Horisont, after preparing an assortment of different props, I'll do something about the base of the leader, and the other four minis I didn't paint myself - but for now this will have to do!

And, yes, the leader is another Gamling model, but it's painted so differently from the other one that I can live with using two identical minis.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I also think they blend in well together!

  2. Most impressive figures, they look fierce...great job!

    1. Thank you - I can only take credit for 7 of them, but they make for a nice unit alltogether!

  3. The different bases are the first thing that I noticed. Having said that, they do look like a very nice set of figures!

    1. Thanks, I do like the way the unit came together, but the bases... well, we'll see if I find the time to get them mended before Horisont VI...
