Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Attic Attack - Preludes... almost...

I did it!

On the last day of 2013 I finished Phase 1 of my Attic Attack project!!

I have hammered so many plywood boards into submission that there is room for no further without REALLY moving stuff around, and the gaming/storage area has been secured for use.

The naked floor planks hre at the front are deceiving; there's actually only a very narrow area without any kind of  top coverage, and they are stable enough for safe use.

I now need to put up some more lamps and get everything organized in an efficient way *shudder*, and then start planning what games to offer.

I already know that I'll provide Star Wars: X-Wing, and Star Trek: Attack Wing, and probably also Pulp Alley.

The bar is being made ready!
I need to decorate those naked surfaces with something...
Some of my gaming friends from elsewhere in the country will probably bring Gods of Battle in 15 mm, so I have to plan space for that, and I think it would be nice to have a big 'bring and show' table for everyone who wants to present their favourite game...

I should be able to make some LotR warbands for SAGA, and maybe I can get enough Mantic zeds ready for Pike & Shot and Zombies - but only maybe.

My regular gaming pal Ulrik will be put in charge of a game or two (Song of Blades, Strange Aeons, and Fear and Faith, maybe) - and all in all I think we'll be able by combined efforts to fill the weekend out for everyone attending.


  1. Great to see that phase one is complete.

  2. Thanks, I really worked hard those 3½ days to get it done - and I'm SO glad I decided to do so during my vacation instead of doing it over the course of some weekends - it would have felt like ages before I could finish.
