Saturday, 8 March 2014

Night Stalker.

Got this anemic fiend finished for the LPC today. I'm on a roll!

He is going to pose a very real threat for some unwary Treshold agents, that's for sure!

Model is a Vampire from Heresy Miniatures. It comes with 3 separate heads, of which I chose the most hideous one,

Colours used:

Primer: Black


  1. OC Kommando Khaki
  2. OC Bleached Bone
  3. WZ Legionnaire Flesh

Eye Sockets:

  • OC Hormagaunt Purple + WZ Symmetry Violet
I think the light plays tricks with that right eye; it looks far more menacing 'in the flesh'.


  • WZ Legionnaire Flesh


  1. OC Hormagaunt Purple + WZ Symmetry Violet
  2. WZ Symmetry Violet


  • White


  1. OC Shadow Grey + black 1:2
  2. OC Shadow Grey + black 1:1
  3. OC Shadow Grey + black 2:1

Coat Lining:

  1. VMC Black Red
  2. VMC Black Red + C Khorne Red
  3. C Mephiston Red
  4. A tiny bit C Evil Sunz Red


  1. OC Scorched Brown + OC Bestial Brown
  2. OC Bestial Brown
  3. OC Vermin Brown


  1. OC Scorched Brown
  2. OC Scorched Brown + OC Bestial Brown
  3. OC Bestial Brown
I think I need to add some Tamiya Flat Base to that OC Shadow Grey + black 1:2 mix - it seems a bit shiny under the spotlights!

I already started work on my next LPC entry; if all goes to plan, I'll be able to post it tomorrow evening - or Monday, at the very least.

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