Monday, 3 March 2014

Degenerates/Evil Henchmen

The last couple of days I have been able to sit normally without my foot starting to throb. Thus, I have been able to slab on a bit of paint, and I have finished these two:

They are Victorian/Gothic Horror 'Evil Henchmen' from West Wind Productions Classic Vampire Wars range, but for now I'll use them as inbred degenerates for my VuK Cult de Ghouls (and maybe for Strange Aeons Lurkers, too).

Not my best work, but they'll do...


Primer: Black


  1. OC Dwarf Flesh
  2. OC Dwarf Flesh + OC Elf Flesh
  3. OC Elf Flesh
  4. OC Elf Flesh + white

Hair and Shirt:

  • Medium to light grey

Eyes and Mouth:

  • OC Terracotta
  • WZ Legionnaire Flesh


  • Dark to medium grey


  1. OC Terracotta
  2. OC Terracotta + OC Bronzed Flesh


  • Black to medium grey

The Rat-Man:

Primer: Black


  1. OC Tanned Flesh
  2. OC Tanned Flesh + OC Pallid Flesh
  3. OC Tanned Flesh + OC Pallid Flesh, 1/2
  4. OC Pallid Flesh


  • Dark to medium grey


  • C Ushabti Bone with progressively more white mixed in


  1. VMC Black Red
  2. OC Scab Red
  3. OC Red Gore


  1. OC Dark Angels Green + black
  2. OC Dark Angels Green
  3. OC Dark Angels Green + OC Snot Green


  1. OC Scorched Brown/VGC Charred Brown + black
  2. OC Scorched Brown/VGC Charred Brown
  3. OC Scorched Brown/VGC Charred Brown + OC Bestial Brown/VGC Beastie Brown
  4. OC Bestial Brown/VGC Beastie Brown

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