Sunday, 18 January 2015

BioCorp Buccaneers: Final Line-Up!

Yes, finally, here they are in all their red glory.

I stilll have to paint a ball and a referee, and procure some MicroSet and MicroSol for working with the transfers, but the worst part is over now (I think).


  1. Well done Argonor. I've really enjoyed seeing this team build up and I know you've been somewhat fatigued by it at times. They look great though and I'll certainly be coming back to look at these postings for inspiration when I start painting mine :-)

    1. Thanks! nice comments along the way also helped me stay focussed, although I almost lost the spark working on the two last ones. Now Ihave to clear a path to my ventilated spray box to prime the ball I magnetized (Christmas saw me pile up some boxes around it to get them away from our living room).

  2. Nice! The good news is that the ball is quite easy to paint and shouldn't take much time at all :-) !

    1. Agreed, but, never the less, it is causing me some trouble (see post about it very soon).
