Sunday, 14 June 2015

Working with Wood.

We have been very busy getting 5 cubic metres of firewood into the shed and stacked up nicely.

It was delivered Wednesday evening, and as the weather forecast promised rain Saturday, it  was necessary to get it under a roof right away.

I was moving the wood on my wheelbarrow, while the kids stacked it up.

We got everything into the shed by Friday evening, and the last bit stacked up today.


  1. That's a lot of wood! Must do something about getting a wood-burning stove fitted in my own house...

    1. Biggest hurdle is the chimney, if you haven't got one - a stove can be had quite cheaply these days. Fire wood can be a bit pricey, if you don't have connections (which I have), so be careful if buying!
      This load is expected to last us the entire next winter, both in the house, and in the attic.
