Tuesday, 28 February 2017

2017-02-28 Tally

Ultimo February

Painted: 58, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 0, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Dark Ages: Last Two Warriors for Fourth SAGA Point Completed

Finally, I can start focusing on the Hearthguards for my six-points SAGA warband.

I am not sure that I shall get started painting them tomorrow, as I have to do my household accounting for February, and the minis are currently in the sandbox, glue drying on the bases.

Never the less, I am happy to have completed the Warriors needed for now (I still have unassembled minis to tend to later), and that I only need to paint eight more models to have a full warband's worth of Vikings.

Again today, I could not get the clear protective film off the sticky side of the LBMS transfer, and again I fixed the issue using my wife's hairdryer to heat up the transfer. I have a godd feeling about that method! And, today, I even remembered to put the hairdryer back in the bathroom, to avoid getting me in trouble 😉

Monday, 27 February 2017

2017-02-27 Tally

Painted: 56, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 0, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Dark Ages: Fourth SAGA Point Coming Along

Now 3/4 through the last point of Warriors for my Viking warband!

Earlier today, I also primed the eight mail-wearing hirdmen for my Hearthguard, and I expect to glue them onto corks later today, so that I can start painting them as soon as the two command models have been finished.

I am pretty chuffed that I seem to be able to keep up steam, painting an entire SAGA warband in one go (although at first I incorporate most of the models from my Blood Eagle warband to get the numbers boosted a bit).

Sunday, 26 February 2017

2017-02-26 Tally

Painted: 54, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 0, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Dark Ages: More Poor Warriors

Yesterday, I opted to finish a boom I was reading, instead of painting, so I did not finish these until today.

I am now halfways (and then some) through the fourth point of Warriors, and I am pretty sure that I can finish it one of the next days.

I really want to paint something else, now, but I have to stay focused and finish this project (my newfound stamina regarding painting projects pays of, in that I get forces to a state where I can actually game with them, before moving on to the next one).

Friday, 24 February 2017

Dark Ages: Three Points + Two Warriors

The newcomers join the party. I am starting to yearn for a game with these, but I need to get the full six points done.

I am not getting more finished today, after all, but I have four almost done, and if I get something done over the weekend, I may finish the last point of warriors Monday afternoon. May. As always, depends on, how many other tasks I have to tend to,  but I am very optimistic about being able to begin painting the armoured Warriors/Hearthguards Wednesday, at the latest.

2017-02-24 Tally

Painted: 52, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 0, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Dark Ages: Poor Warriors

I am toiling away on the forth point of Warriors for my SAGA warband.

This group will be almost entirely without shields, as they are also going to represent 'Younglings' when the army is used as Blood Gorged for God of Battles, and one of the less well armoured tribes for Thousand Tribes. I have not delved deep enough into A Fantastic SAGA to figure out what they are going to fight as when fieldes as Wild Tribes.

I shall probably have more to show later today - now I am taking the dog for a long walk, and then I have to bring in some firewood from the shed, so that we may have a cosy Friday evening, but after that, I think I should have time for some more painting.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Video About Bullying

Anna and her class-mate made this video about fighting abuse and bullying, published by Danish NGO Børns VilkÃ¥r (Childrens' Conditions). I am a proud father!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Dark Ages: Three Points for SAGA Line-Up

As mentioned earlier, I cannot fit the full line-ups on my Vikings on the photo-station, anymore, so here is a quick presentation among the clutter on the dining table.

I have finished two more, they are sitting in the flocking box, glue drying.

Birthday Presents from the Kids

I got these two IKEA plastic plants for my birthday Monday - they are now destined to get chopped up and used for some jungle terrain. Which I intend to start doing when my current Vikings project is done. Intend.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

2017-02-21 Tally

Painted: 50, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Dark Ages: Third Point of Warriors Finished

I am back in the saddle painting Vikings.

I finished these two 'command' models earlier today, and they bring my SAGA force up to 3 points (combined with some of the minis from my Blood Eagle warband).

I shall post a line-up of the full three points tomorrow (I need to clear a space on the dining table for it), and I have gotten an early start on the next eight models, so I hope to finish a few before the weekend.

Monday, 20 February 2017

LBMS Transfers - Troubles and Possible Solution

Today, after cutting out a couple of Little Big Men Studios shield transfers, I could not get the protective clear film off the sticky side.

I had pondered about this problem in advance, as I have heard that it sometimes happens over time, and I have previously had a couple of transfers ruined.

I have often experienced that temperature can heavily impact the stickiness of adhesives, and I decided to try out heat to soften the 'glue' on the transfers.

Holding the transfer with a pair of tweezers, I used a hair-dryer to heat it up (for about ½-1 minute), and then it was possible to remove the film and attach the transfer to the shield, as normal!

I successfully applied this method to both the transfers, but I think that it has to be repeated several times to prove effective (I may have been lucky).

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Vacation 2016 - Day 7, Part 9: Empúries Roman City, Part 2.

A bunch of pics from the Forum area.

The way back to the park and museum area.

Vacation 2016 - Day 7, Part 8: Empúries Roman City, Part 1.

As mentioned, the kids are on theor Winter Break from school this week, and I have not been making any hobby progress.

Instead, I am now returning to our vacation last summer for a while, trying to get through the very experience-rich seventh day of our camping trip to Catalonia.

After traversing the park we came up the Roman city on the plateau above the Greek area.

Had they only been functional....

While I was exploring the Cryptoportico and the Forum, the rest of the family sought refuge from the sun in the shadow behind that small building.