Tuesday, 25 April 2017

2017-04-25 Tally

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 2, Repaired: 1
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 1
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo March

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo February

Painted: 58, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

LotR: Repaired a Spearman

This model had some battle damage (broken spear), so I had to get it fixed.

It does not look all that good - if it snaps again, I shall have to drill the hand instead of just re-attaching the pieces.

Well, at least for now he can join the warband I am getting ready for SAGA.

I need to figure out if I have some unused plastic archers, somewhere, otherwise I shall need to acquire some (but I would be pretty surprised if I did not get any with some of the lots I purchased a couple of years ago).

SAGA: Mustering the Guard

As mentioned yesterday, I have changed direction and am now aiming at getting a Rohan/Anglo-Saxon warband ready for SAGA.

I have to paint at least eight Royal Guards to exchange for the Minas Tirith spearmen currently standing in for Hearthguards, and also four archers for the Levy.

I did a quick search this morning, and unearthed no less than nine Royal Guards (I think I may have another six NIB in a box in the garage attic, but I shall not have to go looking for them right now - when I get to the next level and have to find a Mounted Ëomer to use as mounted warlord, I shall be rummaging through that box, anyway).

Of course, the Rohirrim will also form part of a Thousand Tribes army for God of Battles, and the Royal Guards are going to play the role as Hyena Warriors (for which I need only 6 models, so I may be able to field two of those).

Over the next couple of days, I shall be cleaning up a handful of these and glue them to washers (I already cut off half the tabs with my razor saw) - I think I shall aim for finishing one point at a time.

It is a real shame, GW never made any alternative body sculpts for these, but I shall try to vary the right arm poses as much as possible without ruining the overall effect.

Monday, 24 April 2017

2017-04-24 Tally

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 2, Repaired: 0
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 1
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo March

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo February

Painted: 58, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

SAGA: Preparing a Proxy Warband

Some days ago, I was approached by Kevin, who had taken an interest to SAGA, and wanted to know if I could host a demo game next time we meet up. I dug out my Rohan models to construct an Anglo-Saxon warband, but fell short a few models.

I am substituting in  some Minas Tirith spearmen for Hearthguards, until I can get some Royal Guards painted up, and the Levy also needed some filling in, so I rebased these two second-hand models for the time being (they will be stripped and re-painted in due course, but not ntil they have formed the basis for a new unit of archers for my Gondor God of Battles Mercenaries proxy army).

Tomorrow I shall start looking for Rohan Royal Guards, as I think the SAGA project will have to take precedence right now (although I did prime the newly assembled Vikings earlier today).

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

2017-04-18 Tally

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 1
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo March

Miniatures Finished:
Painted: 66, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0
Miniatures Acquired:
Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Vehicles Finished:
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0,
Vehicles Acquired:
Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 4 (Victories: 1, Ties: 3, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo February

Painted: 58, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 1, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2, Plastic Vegetation Gotten as Gift: 2
Primer Purchased: 1, Paints Purchased: 2, Washes/Inks Purchased: 1
Games Played: 1 (Victories: 1, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0)
Rules Purchased: 1, Rules Gotten as Gift: 0, Free Rules Downloaded: 0

Ultimo January

Painted: 38, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Painted: 0, Just Re-based: 0, Repaired: 0, Purchased: 0, Gotten as Gift: 0
Pieces Painted: 0, Pieces Built: 0, Pieces Purchased: 0, Materials Purchased: 2
Games Played: 0 (Victories: 0, Ties: 0, Defeats: 0), Rules Purchased: 0

Roma Bellatrix: Officer Making Sacrifice

I am not currently working on a project regarding Romans, I now, but I expect to be later this year.

I was asking on the LAF if anybody knew of a suitable Roman priestly mini to include in an army, and the user 'Morgan' was so kind as to send me this Warlord Games mini.

I hope to find the time and motivation to make some of my Wargames Factory Caesarean/Late Republican Romans into a warband for OGAM and Broken Legions (and probably Blood Eagle), then over time expand it for A Fantastic SAGA.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Dark Ages: Plastic WIP

The kids have Easter vacation this week, and with them being home, I do not spend much time on the hobby.

I have managed to clear some minis away from the prepping station, though, and have begun assembling the last Vikings I need to get done in order to get the army ready for God of Battles, too.

I expect to get the steam up next week, as from Monday, I have 1½ week off, and it should be possible to get a few minis painted in that time, if I get stuck in and spend most of the days at the pain(t) station (I should finish assembling the above by Sunday, I hope; I have to work Wednesday through Sunday, so I am not going to have much time to spend, but if I can just get two parts ataached per day, I should be fine).

Monday, 3 April 2017

3D Design: Card Deck Holder

I have begun dabbling in 3D design for printing stuff at home (I am planning to get a 3D printer, and have begun saving up for it).

Earlier today, I downloaded 123D, and I have been playing around with it, until I arrived at this result.

The deck holder is designed for cards in FFG Yellow sleeves (X-Wing and/or Star Wars Armada damage cards, for instance), and I expect to make versions for all the games I use cards for. I have not figured out how to resize a finished design, but it may be possible to do so, instead of designing from scratch every time.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Dark Ages: Full Viking Warband

Here they are, four points of Warriors, two points of Hearthguards for SAGA.

For God of Battles, they can count as two units of Brutes, one unit of Younglings, and almost one unit of Brute Slayers As mentioned earlier, I shall now upgrade the Hearthguard to 10 models, which is effectively all I need to field 24 points in God of Battles, but I shall paint another 10 mail-clad warriors to use as another unit of Brute Slayers, so that I can field different configurations - and only need to do another unit of unarmoured Warriors/Brutes (which will then need only six additional models painted, as the Warriors already count 24 models) for a 36 points army. I shall also paint a Godi for the army; Crescent and Cross has rules for priests, and it is nice to have one for God of Battles as well.

I also need to decide on a Thor model to use this army for Of Gods And Mortals, I shall probably get a pack of the 'fantasy-ish' Vikings from Foundry, together with some berserkers or úlfhednar.