Saturday, 22 March 2025

Working Through a Bottleneck

Over a couple of years, a lot of minis in need of various repairs (mostly rebasing, but also broken weapons and such) got stranded on my prepping station.

The many second-hand purchases I've made lately had me wondering how on Earth I should find the necessary space to handle he not-table-ready minis in order to get them ready for my Warlords of the 41st Millennium project.

Solution: Instead of pushing an ever-growing hill of unfinished busines in front of me, dig in, and get the work done!

The picture below is may pain(t) station - all the minis with white bases came directly from the prepping station, and a couple others had minor repairs done.

Imagine the clutter on the prepping station (below), when all those minis were there, too.

I expect to have the workspace (the green cutting mat) cleared over the next week or two - depending on, how often the weather permits working in the garden - I still have trees to cut up, and branches to cut down, before we can get full sun in the veggie garden.

Thursday, 20 March 2025

The Blood Bowl Re-Animation

While looking for some other stuff recently, I stumbled on a box containing a lot of Mutant Chronicles/Warzone stuff - and most of my Blood Bowl possessions.

The playing field had warped a bit, so I bought a clear acrylic sheet to place on top (can also be used for other board and wargames), and set up my two painted teams - The Oakhill Rangers, and Da 'Eadbangerz.

I did not get around to playing a game that time around, though - my birthday was coming up, and I had to make space for setting the table for the birthday dinner.

Cadians for Warlords of the 41st Millennium

My latest acquisition: 59 (I think) Cadians, and one Commissar. Almost enough fairly OK painted dudes for two squads.

I need to get some profiles done for these!

Soon, I shall get on with my first test game, but I have been very busy in the garden (cutting trees down to let the Sun in our vegetable garden) and re-familiarizing myself with Blood Bowl (3rd Ed. - more about that later).

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Dark Eldar for Warlords of the 41st Millennium

I've been buying a lot of second-hand minis, lately, and although I already got a handful of Dark Eldar, I bid on a few lots last week. As the interest for the auction was quite low, I procured them at a very fair price.

The plastic bags contain quite a few NOS Darrk Eldar, and I also got a Skiff (Raider, I think).

Now' I have to find a 5th Ed. Dark Eldar Codex, and I am almost set to field those dreaded pirates!

Friday, 14 March 2025

Another Great Haul

I won a few minis in a second-hand auction, and they should come in handy later in my Warlords of the 41st Millennium project.

Of course, the flying thingamadoo needs a small repair, and the Assault Marines need to be assembled and painted, but apart from that, I'm pretty pleased with this batch.

The Orks can be used as is, and so can the Techmarine, the Servitors, and the Chaplain, while the hooded Marine is actually a Dark Angel (Cypher? I'll have to investigate further ... dispatch the Interrogator Chaplain!), and the Psyker is a Grey Knight. Both the latter need some colour changes.

The Bikers and the Land Speeder will have to get gradually repainted for my Ravenwing, and the Gun-toting mini-gunship-thingy. too.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Warlords of the 41st Millennium - The Calexus IV Incursion, Prelude

As mentioned on an earlier occation, I have been growing very fond of Rick Priestley's 'Warlords of Erehwon' (same system as Bolt Action and Beyond the Gates of Antares).

I also have been very taken with Games Workshop's Grimdark Techno-Fantasy universe for several decades, I just never could get myself immersed in the game, as the rules did/do not reflect the Grimdark Lore very well.

The thing now is, Priestly provides a full point system breakdown for Warlords of Erehwon - and I got the idea to transcribe W40K profiles to that system - with the possibility to tweak trrop types I feel are too weak (probably to ensure that all players have to cash out and buy a substantial mumber og expensive minis),

More details later - all you have to know for now is that I have two small forces ready for a test run - which will happen one of the next days! (Or, so I thought, but life wanted it differently)

Here are some pics of the 75x150cm table and the two forces.

I promise to take a lot of pics of the game and explain some of the principles I used for the transcription!

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Return of the Lichemaster

I finally managed to pull myself together after a long period with absolutely NO energy and initiative, due to a mystical ailment making my stomach hurt after each meal, and preventing me from getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep per night.

I have been in a programme at 'Center for Functional Diseases' in Vejle, and am now in medical treatment, which has helped me overcome the problems associated with eating (and that alone has helped my mood a LOT, as I am very fond of good, well cooked food), and a physiotherapist helped ne get off the couch and become more active - which has also given me more energy.

Summa Summarum, I think I am almost back in the saddle, I have played a couple of games and I have been buying quite a few things - and promise to start posting pics here!

The last week I have been unpacking and sorting two small crates and two large boxes worth of assorted purchases. A lot of it is now taking up all the space I currently have available for it in the living room, and I am in sore need of some boxes to store the goodies in!

As you can see, I have been purchasing both terrain and minis ...

... and as you can also see, Lyra, the Terror of the Lichemaster, would very much like to get up there and push everything over the edge ...

That guy is HUGE! 

Quite a few biggies, actually, 

The yellow school bus! I've been wanting to get one for my Scoobycalypse Walking Dead project (which has been on hold for quite a while). Fred and Daphne are both sitting on one of my Hammers-invented cork-handle faquir-beds, awaiting further attention.

I've got painted minis for several Deadzone factions (at least Enforcers, Asterians, Forge Fathers, Rebels, Plague, maybe Marauders), and unpainted minis for GCPS Troopers and Veer-Myn.

I own a copy of that game, so I am very happy about having acquired those!

I also got a lot of painted and nearly painted Necrons, along with a bunch of Adeptus Mechanicus Scitarii Vanguard/Rangers (hmmm) and as I am just creating Space Marine and Eldar profiles for 'Warlords of the 41st Millennium' (W41M) - my own adaption of Warlords of Erehwon/Bolt Action rules for the Grimdark Universe, I couldn't get a better motivation for pressing on with that project!

I promise to get better pics of the various groups and Items when I get started putting them away in some nice sturdy boxes (I need to procure some shoe boxes or the likes, until I can get enough priter paper boxes).

For now: May Your Dice Favour You!